Pr Hiroide Miwa
NARL schema

The inventor of this technology, Prof. Hirohide Miwa, Neurologist (Japan) has patented NARL ultrasounds and proved scientifically the effectiveness of natural removal of all kinds of fat for human beings. The technology’s name «NARL» is the abbreviation for «Nor Adrenaline ReLease».

NH limited logo Japan flag

Based in Hong Kong, NH LIMITED is the exclusive worldwide supplier of NARL 517 LIPOSTIMFIT technology. Created in 2006 by professionals with experience in esthetic and medical markets, NH LIMITED has a highly qualified worldwide distribution network to ensure training, and the supply and maintenance of its products. Clients and partners selected by NH LIMITED are also the most reliable companies and groups in the various regions of the world.

It is with deep sincerity and constant enthusiasm that NH LIMITED manages the development and marketing of patented NARL 517 technology. NH LIMITED is committed to working each day to develop worldwide this rigorous, powerful and natural approach to good health, offering an effective, long-lasting and serious solution in the areas of Slimming, Healthcare and Well-being to millions of people all over the world concerned by excess weight, obesity and slimming problems, and trying to attain enhanced well-being, a healthier and longer life.

NH LIMITED pursues commercial activities and marketing, but also pedagogy for its partners and clients. NH LIMITED relies on its selective distribution network and also Research, which is a fundamental factor for ensuring sincere, sustainable development.

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Represented in Europe, South America, Japan, Asia-Pacific, by doctors, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, medical groups and well-being centres. Throughout the world, over 80,000 men and women are treated each day by NARL 517.

The development of NARL 517 LIPOSTIMFIT relies on a solid network comprised of medical and healthcare firms, well-being and fitness groups around the world. Produced in Japan, its Company Head Office and Exhibition Room are located in Hong Kong and Tokyo.

NARL 517 LIPOSTIMFIT has been a patented Technology since 1999. Its results have been demonstrated scientifically since 2002 (Pathophysiology, Las Vegas). NARL 517 low-frequency ultrasound technology provides safety levels higher than those required by the FDA.

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